Rückblick Sogar Neuheiten gab es wieder in diesen schwierigen Zeiten, auf dem weiterhin schwächelnden Markt. Wobei: Auf den Mercedes CLA mit EQ-Technologie (so heisst das offiziell) haben wir nun wir...
Weiterbildung Zuerst hatten wir in dieser kleinen Serie zu den «idea cars» von Chrysler und Ghia den «Special» von 1952 vorgestellt, hier , es folgte der D’Elegance aus dem gleichen Jahr, hier . Im O...
Rückblick Über die vergangenen bald 15 Jahre haben sich ja einige sehr schöne Sachen entwickelt bei radical. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel die Lamborghini Miura, da haben wir ja wirklich alle, jede einzeln...
Zeitenwende 1961 warf Chrysler Virgil Exner dann raus, der Designer hatte einfach nie das gemacht, was die Teppich-Etage von ihm erwartete. Aber so ist das halt mit kreativen Geistern, die Manager we...
turbocharged Chrysler Slant-Six on the dyno " data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/engineswapdepot.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/turbocharged-Chrysler-Slant-Six-on-dyno-01.jpg?f...
Chrysler 409 ci Big-Block V8 on the dyno " data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/engineswapdepot.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Chrysler-409-ci-Big-Block-V8-on-dyno-01.jpg?fit=600...
Herrschaftlich… Bei Chrysler gab es seit 1955 jedes Jahr einen anderen Buchstaben hinter der Modellbezeichnung. Von 1962 – 1971 ließ man diese Alphabetisierung modellbezogen weg. Auch Enno fehlt dies...
Die Hübschen Eigentlich wollten wir die Cunningham C-3 ja auch in unserem Überblick über alle von Cunningham produzierten Fahrzeuge unterbringen (siehe hier ). Doch wir haben zu viel zu gutes Materia...
all american Selbstverständlich kratzen wir immer nur an der Oberfläche. Erzählen die eine oder andere schöne Geschichte, besonders gerne dann, wenn sich noch Mythen oder fröhliche Anekdoten um die M...
This week, here at the Muscle Machines newsletter, we’re featuring a smart little ’51 Henry J gasser-style ruler for sale on hemmings.com. Sure, there are plently of these cars around nowadays…and da...
This week on the Muscle Machines newsletter, we’re featuring something a little different: a very kewl survivor “East Coast” custom in the John North “White Pearl” ’57 Ford for sale on Hemmings.com. ...
1995 Chrysler Atlantic. All photos courtesy FCA Media. Dodge had the Viper. Plymouth the Prowler. It only made sense that Chrysler would gain its own retro-influenced concept-turned-production flagsh...
Preserved 1978 Chrysler New Yorker Brougham for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: This award-winning example is beautifully preserved in stunning original condition, coming to us f...
Images courtesy FCA. Long before anybody’s wildest imaginations could have conceived of Chrysler (not to mention Dodge and Jeep) becoming part of a multi-national carmaking company that included some...
Slant six-powered 1980 Chrysler LeBaron for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: The early owner of this car was Georgia Belle and decals were applied after the car was painted severa...
Nothing lasts forever. For more than 80 years, Chrysler executives – through one corporate parent after another – have refrained from resurrecting the Airflow name despite its intrinsic value and the...
Apparently Chrysler and Lotus’s collaboration that resulted in the Lotus-tuned dual overhead-camshaft cylinder head for Chrysler’s 2.2-litre inline four was supposed to result in even more hybrid Lot...
To quote Bobby DeNiro’s Al Capone in “The Untouchables;” “What is that which gives me joy?” A fresh set of slicks, thank you very much. Nothing like the aroma of a new set of tires, amiright? But, as...
No matter how much we may like cars, do any of us really enjoy going to a dealership? Haggling, getting sucked into the four-square method, politely chuckling at the dealer’s bad jokes, all when we r...
Photos by David LaChance (left) and the author (right). You’ve surely heard by now that the FCA (Fiat-Chrysler) and PSA (Peugeot-Citroen) merger is on like Donkey Kong. How did this come about, you a...
There are few things as satisfying as watching an old motor undergoing a fresh rebuild, amiright? There’s just something about a vintage cast-iron block and all those imperfections being perfected th...
Frank Sinatra edition 1982 Imperial for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: 19,000 original miles. 1 of just 279 Sinatra editions produced in 1982. Original EFI car – runs perfectly....
Unrestored 1982 Chrysler Cordoba for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: good condition, not perfect, some minor problems. Emergency brake light stays on and sometimes sticks. Door m...