Ein Hoch auf den gelben Wagen Im Sommer 1965 setzte sich Carlo Abarth selber auf Diät. In kurzer Zeit nahm er 30 Kilo ab. Sein Ziel: Er wollte sich in das Cockpit eines Formel-2-Rennwagens zwängen. U...
Volkswagen Vom Fiat 508, der im Frühling 1932 in Mailand vorgestellt worden war und dessen Serienfertigung im Juli anlief, wurden bereits in den ersten sechs Monaten über 12’400 Exemplare verkauft. U...
Photos courtesy Bonhams. Going into business for yourself requires a sense of timing, a degree of skill in your chosen field, some (make that plenty) startup capital, and perhaps above all a bold vis...
Tadellos Noch nicht lange ist es her, dass wir uns im Rahmen eines Tests eines Dacia Duster einige grundsätzliche Gedanken gemacht darüber, was der Mensch auf der Strasse wirklich braucht. Und kamen ...
Photos courtesy John Olsson. Everybody remembers the day like it was yesterday. Careening out of control, the Fiat 600 smashed through the doors of the 1955 GM Motorama in Boston. Nobody was hurt, th...
You have questions, dear reader, we have answers. Most of the time. Y’see, Lost and Found is as much a journey for you as it is for those of us in Hemmings HQ — we’re just as fascinated by vehicles t...
Kraft seiner Optik Der Fiat 130, ob als Limousine oder Coupé, war aus der Art geschlagen. Zwar verstand sich die Marke immer darauf, seinen sonst eher bodenständigen Modellen ein paar Extravaganzen z...
Sergio Marchionne in December 2010. Photo courtesy FCA. Sergio Marchionne was a difficult individual to know. The son of an Italian Carabinieri, he spent his formative years in Canada, and later earn...
Because Hemmings Classic Car focuses on American vehicles, we don’t get to feature the multitude of interesting and mysterious vehicles from other lands that cross our desks on a regular basis in the...
Die Monster Der Fiat 600, vorgestellt 1955, war grossartig (und dem heute so viel populäreren 500 in allen Belangen weit überlegen). Noch 1955 konnte Abarth seine «derivazione» anbieten, den 750. Der...
Grossartige Zwerge Die Erfolgsgeschichte von Abarth ist unabdingbar mit dem Fiat 500 verbunden. Dabei war es am Anfang ziemlich schwierig: Weil der 500er sich zu Beginn bei weitem nicht so gut verkau...
All images courtesy the author. Some weeks ago, I spent a lovely Saturday morning while visiting the little Bonfanti-Vimar Car Museum set in Bassano Del Grappa, a charming town placed at the feet of ...
Issigonis’s Mini certainly contributed to the development of front-wheel drive, but the true father of today’s transverse-engine front-wheel-drive layout, as Neil Briscoe at Influx argues, is Dante G...
Documented five-speed 1975 Fiat 130 Pininfarina coupe for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: I am selling this car on behalf of my father, a European-car enthusiast based in Connect...
Wood-bodied 1953 Fiat 500C Giardiniera for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: This Fiat 500C Giardiniera is especially rare due to its originality. The interior, including the seats...
The very interesting Savio landaulet in a full color pic After taking a look at a wide sample of the various Fiat 1400s and 1900s crafted by some of the most revered names in the Italian carrozzerie’...
A nice ’51 1400 convertible done by Stabilimenti Farina Following a then all-important tradition, the 1400 was the starting point for a wide array of specially built cars, cars made by the so-called ...
A 1954 Fiat 1400 A, the first restyled 1400 By 1952, the 1400 had established itself as a robust Fiat success, enjoying happy years on the Italian market and, as seen, also making some inroads on the...
Why The First New-All New Postwar Fiat Was Maybe The Most Advanced Car In The World Back Then – And Why It Is So Important For Fiat History Faithful Hemmings readers likely know that my first love in...
Completely restored 1973 Fiat 128 rally for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: Completely restored with new original parts. The car is painted in a beautiful Fiat “Rosso Aranco” and...
Und ein paar Fragen Dante Giacosa, Schöpfer grossartiger Fiat-Modelle wie etwa 500 (Topolino), 600, Nuova 500, 124, 128 oder 130 sowie grosser Bewunderer von Goya und Picasso, bezeichnete Computer al...
Der Hase Nach mehr als 30 Jahren im Auto-Geschäft ist es ja nicht mehr so, dass wir es jeden Morgen kaum mehr erwarten können, in ein Automobil zu steigen. Doch es kommt tatsächlich noch vor, dass wi...
The Innocento logo on the Fiat Uno based Mille. Photo by author. An ambitious group of Italian entrepreneurs has awoken the Innocenti brand from a 20-year slumber. The project is the collective brain...
Grossartiges Die Società Italiana Applicazioni Trasformazioni Automobilistiche wurde 1926 von Giorgio Ambrosini in Turin gegründet. Ambrosini entwickelte in erster Linie eigene Zylinderköpfe, die den...
Restored and documented 1960 Fiat 1100D Familiare for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: This absolutely adorable station wagon was built by Fiat to comfortably accommodate four peo...