Sweet 16
In 1960, Don Wagers wooed his girlfriend, Shirley Maxwell, in his Cadillac V-16-powered 1929 Ford roadster. He cut 10 inches out of the frame and six inches out of the doors to accommodate the humong...
In 1960, Don Wagers wooed his girlfriend, Shirley Maxwell, in his Cadillac V-16-powered 1929 Ford roadster. He cut 10 inches out of the frame and six inches out of the doors to accommodate the humong...
Daniel Soares continues to offer an inspiring perspective on the small facets of the automotive community in his artistic documentaries from around the country. This month, the Soares Film team has b...
Bonneville-veteran 1940 Ford hot rod/racer for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: Same owner since ’65, garaged since ‘75in dry desert, Yuma, AZ. Was a dry lakes & B’ville racer for...
A simple glance at Craig Metros's '31 Ford will establish a few things rather quickly: he's a man of good taste, for one. With a car that balances traditional styling, modern touches, and quintessent...
A simple glance at Craig Metros's '32 Ford will establish a few things rather quickly: he's a man of good taste, for one. With a car that balances traditional styling, modern touches, and quintessent...
A rooftop view of the 2016 Goodguys Nashville Nationals. Photos courtesy Goodguys. Since 1998, and with a few exceptions, participation at Goodguys car shows and autocross events has been open to Ame...
An diesem schönen letzten Augustwochenende waren wir in Grefrath bei der US-Car & Bike Show. Wie in den letzten Jahren war das Wetter kaiserlich und das Teilnehmerfeld so bunt wie abwechslungsreich. ...
Am 27. und 28. August 2017 wird der Grefrather EisSport & EventPark zum 12. Mal zur angesagtesten Location der US-Car-Szene. Die US-Car & Bike Show ist DER Treffpunkt für zahlreiche Fans der amerikan...
Die zweite Veranstaltung dieses Wochenendes führte mich nach Oberhausen zum Einkaufszentrum CentrO. Hier findet schon seit 14 Jahren, laut Veranstalter eines der größten US-Car Treffen Deutschlands s...
1940 Ford, excerpt from ad below. Image courtesy of Lov2XLR8.no. One memory that I will never forget is about my father’s 1940 Ford Opera Coupe. It had the jump seats in the rear which, when not in u...
Fifties-era East Coast hot rodded 1928 Ford Model A for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: East Coast Hot Rodding legend, the late Mr. Fred Steele, founder of the Ty-Rods Car Club a...
Peter Fontana’s Deuce coupe at The Race of Gentlemen. Images by the author. There probably has not been a time, at least in living memory, when the 1932 Ford was anything less than an icon of motorin...
A Beastwood Film, http://www.beastwoodfilms.com Filmed & edited by Dirk Behlau, http://www.thepixeleye.com Kustom Kulture Forever Show 2017, Germany, http://www.kustom-kulture-forever.com, Client: Di...
Genau wie im letzten Jahr war der Primers Run 2017 wieder absolut perfekt. Phänomenales Wetter, ein unwahrscheinlich interessantes Line-Up von Fahrzeugen aus den Dreissigern bis in die heutige Zeit u...
Deuce-framed, Brookville-bodied 1931 Ford Model A roadster pickup for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: Quality-built old school hot rod. Runs, and drives great, Very dependable. I...
Gene Winfield-built blown Ardun-powered 1932 Ford hot rod for sale on Hemmings.com. From the seller’s description: Gene Winfield built 1932 Ford Roaster Hot Rod. It was the centerfold car in the Apri...
Zum 4. mal läd der Primers-Car-Club zum alljährlich stattfindenden Primers Run ein. Wie gehabt, wird der Vatertag hoffentlich wieder eine Menge US-Car & Bike-begeisterte Fahrer, Beifahrer, Zuschauer ...
There's no real way to put this lightly, so I'm going to start off with a bang. The Dodge Demon is one of the coolest cars ever built, period. I dare you to disagree with me. It makes my heart race, ...
Rita, the 1958 Packard roadster created by John D’Agostino and Oz Welch. Photos courtesy Sacramento Autorama, except gallery images by Dan Stoner. It began life as a 1958 Packard Hardtop, and accordi...
I loosely remember the first time I saw Van Go - perhaps it was in a magazine, or maybe online - the details are fuzzy, but unimportant. What I do remember was a sense of curiosity. To be honest, I w...
Photos by Jim Coventry, courtesy Auctions America. Oliver Hine didn’t set out to build a custom that would set the show world on fire and continue to win awards nearly six decades after it was built....
It was five years ago today that I funneled my thoughts through my keyboard and onto the StanceWorks homepage. In coming across this old gem today, I was reminded how little has changes, but how much...
Meine zweite Galerie der diesjährigen Motorshow ist fast ausschließlich dem Tuning gewidmet. In den Hallen 4 bis 12 zeigten die Aussteller alles was das Tunerherz begehrt: vom mit Airride ausgestatte...
Meine zweite Galerie der diesjährigen Motorshow ist fast ausschließlich dem Tuning gewidmet. In den Hallen 4 bis 12 zeigten die Aussteller alles was das Tunerherz begehrt: vom mit Airride ausgestatte...
Jedes Jahr, am Anfang zur kalten Jahreszeit, beginnt eines meiner alljährlichen Highlights: die Motor Show in Essen. Sie ist die Messe für alle mit Benzin im Blut, für alle die ihre Leidenschaft für ...