SHARE THIS VIDEO: CHECK OUT OUR OTHER FAST AND FURIOUS CHARGER VIDEO: Recently we were lucky enough to be invited to Dennis McC...
The car chase montage (or supercut, if you will) is not exactly an original concept, but looking for an editing challenge, this one came up. Editing a car chase is no doubt hard and difficult work. E...
Length: 20 min
Country: Germany
Year: 2014 Ein V8-Bolide, eine Drogenlieferung, eine freche Tramperin, miese Gangster und ein Typ, der einfach nur au...
A lot of pro-touring vehicles find their way to SEMA each year. SpeedKore Performance Group and Salvaggio Automotive Design might have brought one of the wildest I have ever seen. They call the proje...
Seit sechs Jahren findet auf Schloß Lauersfort in Moers das „Cars & Castle“ Oldtimertreffen einmal jährlich, jeweils am Tag der deutschen Einheit, statt. Oldtimer-NRW ist von Anfang an dabei. Auch 20...