Der Countdown läuft – nun sind es nur noch ein paar Tage bis zum 20. September, bis zu unserem 1. Classic-Ford-Event-NRW in Krefeld. Die Vorzeichen stehen gut, wir haben mittlerweile über 370 Anmeldu...
Sportscar racing is fraught with rivalries: they stand as the ultimate motivation in a sport where bragging rights reign supreme. Ranging from the likes of Ayrton Senna vs. Alain Prost, and Jeff Gord...
The econobox has been around for decades now. Volkswagen built the Rabbit. Honda gave us the Civic. Chevy lauded the Chevette. We even got things like a Dodge Omni and Shadow. All were purpose built ...
LMC Truck asked us to create a hype trailer for their most recent build, a 1979 Ford Bronco. This trailer shows how great you can make your classic truck look using their parts. This Bronco is being ...
Aloha! Heute fand in Herten, auf dem Gelände der ehemaligen Zeche Ewald, die aktuellste Ausgabe der Youngtimer Show statt. Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein habe ich mich schon recht früh auf den Weg zu d...
Stolz wie Bolle und im Anzug mit Krawatte neben dem neuen Taunus P6 15M. Das M steht übrigens für “Meisterstück”. Bild: Daniel Seibert
Alpenfahrt mit dem Taunus 12M Coupé. Bild: Baur-eta
A short video about the Carfreitag 2011 Meeting at the Nuerburgring. I shot the footage with my "new" Canon XH A1. I´m still trying to get more used to it. Additional equipment was an Eazy Dolly Syst...
Even if you're too young to recognize the name 'George Barris,' you've undoubtedly seen the cars he has created. As the automotive legend behind Barris Kustom Industries in North Hollywood, George Ba...
A story about a man and his car. Produced by Ben Pender-Cudlip & Unrendered Films. Music by Jenee Halstead, used with permission. Specs: • 1964 Ford Gal...
Endless Summer Of Drag Racing... Sort of...
impressions from the 13th annual viva las vegas rockabilly weekender april 1st-4th 2010 shot & edited by christoph wick music: staring at the sun by tv on the radio thanks to: kati, matze, claudi & m...
Falken Tires invited me and my Ford Flex to the Formula drift in Long Beach for the opening day,i ran into a bunch of my people down there ,Mr. Cartoon was there promoting his Metro PCS phone , Ben B...
Slow motion in a world all about high speed. Filmed at New England Dragway in Epping, NH on May 30th, 2010. Music is O mio babbino caro by Giacomo Puccini.
presented by: road devils europe cc smokin´ shutdown magazine and edwin shot & edited by: christoph wick music by: the sadies