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Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ – #750081

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Nun, die TZ von Alfa Romeo gehören seit immer zu unseren Lieblingen, das wohl ausführlichste Schriftstück auf radical ist ihnen gewidmet, hier. Und auch wenn es doch eher unübersichtlich ist, so werden wir es auch weiterhin ergänzen. Weil nun aber nicht alle alles sehen wollen, werden wir zukünftiges neues Material auch noch gesondert präsentieren, hier kommt nun also #750081, der Anfang März von Gooding & Co. auf Amelia Island versteigert wird, Schätzpreis 1,3 bis 1,6 Millionen Dollar. Das Fahrzeug stammt aus der Sammlung von Ken Roath, der den Alfa 2022 ebenfalls bei Gooding & Co. ersteigert hatte, damals für 1’181’250 Pfund, das wären nach heutigem Umrechnungskurs gut 1,5 Millionen Dollar. Roath hat den Alfa in den vergangenen drei Jahren doch immerhin 350 Kilometer bewegt.

Chassis-Nummer: 10511AR*750081
Motorennummer: AR00511*00068
Auktion: Gooding & Co., Amelia Island 2025, Schätzpreis 1,3 bis 1,6 Millionen Dollar, mit diesen Informationen (quasi genau die gleichen wie 2022): «According to a copy of the original Autodelta invoice on file, chassis 750081 was charged to Alfa Romeo S.p.A. on September 9, 1964, and originally fitted with engine no. 00068. It was sold in May 1965 to its first owner, Luigi Citeroni of Ascoli Piceno, Italy, and, as recorded in its original Italian libretto, or registration book, the TZ was registered as “AP 53000.” Remarkably, both its original numbered engine and black Italian license plates remain with the car to this day. The competition debut for 750081 took place at the Ascoli Colle San Marco Hillclimb on August 22, 1965, where Citeroni won his class. After taking part in one additional event, the Rally Jolly Club, Citeroni sold the TZ to fellow Ascoli Piceno resident Barbaro Grelli in 1966, and somewhat uniquely for an Italian racing car from this period, the Alfa Romeo remained in his ownership for the next 15 years. According to documents on file, which include detailed club records, period photos, and race entry forms, Grelli campaigned his TZ in 15 competitive events, primarily Italian hill climbs, between July 1966 and August 1970, usually achieving good results. These outings were highlighted by entries in the 1968 and 1969 editions of the Gran Premio del Mugello, where he captured 4th and 3rd in Class, respectively. Fabrizio Arengi of Padova, Italy, bought the TZ in 1984 and sent it to one of Italy’s foremost restorers, Dino Cognolato, for refurbishing. Sig. Arengi subsequently used the TZ in historic rallies, including the 1988 Coppa d’Italia, and the Alfa Romeo was profiled in the April 1993 issue of Auto d’Epoca magazine. Alfa Romeo enthusiast Boy Houtman of Gravenhage, Netherlands, purchased the TZ from Sig. Arengi in 1993 via A.B. Cars of Padova. In 2011, Mr. Houtman sold the TZ to noted Swiss collector Pierre Mellinger, who immediately drove it in the Tour Auto in France before shipping it to the Alfa Romeo specialist GPS Classics in Parma, Italy. As documented in numerous invoices on file, GPS performed extensive work on the TZ, including rebuilding the engine and gearbox, as well as completing the FIA Historic Technical Passport certification. It then traveled to Carrozzeria Quality Cars in Vigonza, Italy, for cosmetic fine-tuning. Well-known Dutch collector Jack Braam Ruben acquired this remarkable TZ from Mr. Mellinger after a careful search for a high-quality example to use in road rallies. His inspection resulted in the Zagato body number (663) being found in multiple places on the car, including the shock mounts, window trim, and door panels. Since 2022, chassis 750081 has served as the centerpiece of Ken Roath’s exceptional Alfa Romeo trio.»

Eben, mehr zu diesem Fahrzeug und allen anderen Giulia TZ gibt es: hier. Und sonst ist da noch das Archiv.

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