Lamborghini Miura P400 – #3739
Immer wieder: Balboni
263) Chassis-Nummer: 3739
Motoren-Nummer: 2502
Auslieferungsdatum: 30.10.1968
Auslieferung an: Grand Garage des Nations
Original-Farbe: Blu Miura
Interieur: skay senape
erster Besitzer: Fraissinet?
weitere Besitzer: tauchte 2005 auf, wurde im Werk restauriert (bis 2008); ab 2014 in Belgien, verschiedene Kennzeichen (1OZE277, 1OBB178); stand 2016 zum Verkauf bei Gipimotor; 2017 in die USA verkauft (Kennzeichen BGU781G).
Auktion: Bonham’s, Spa 2013, verkauft für 575’00 Euro, angeboten mit folgendem Text: «This early P400 has been completely restored at the Sant’Agata factory’s Centro Restauro section of the Customer Service Department under the supervision of Lamborghini’s legendary chief test driver, Valentino Balboni, and comes with his signed letter of confirmation dated October 14th 2008. Coincidentally, Balboni retired that very same month after 40 years with Lamborghini, during which time he reputedly drove around 80% of the cars produced! Despite having a limited edition, two-wheel drive variant of the Gallardo named after him, Balboni has admitted that the Miura is his all-time favourite. Delivered new to Grand Garage des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, chassis number ‚3739‘ has had only three previous owners and was acquired by the current vendor in January 2005. The restoration commenced soon afterwards and took three years, consuming some 4,000 man-hours of labour and costing €160,000, as evidenced by Lamborghini’s invoice on file. A few metal components had to be manufactured but this total represents 99% labour costs as all other parts used were ’new old stock‘ items already purchased by a previous owner and still in their sealed plastic bags as despatched from the factory. The Miura was restored to its original colour scheme and the restoration is fully documented in an excellent file containing over 600 photographs. Factory build sheets for the engine are on file also. Highlights of the rebuild are outlined by Valentino Balboni in his letter: ‚It has been a long and very accurate process but necessary to achieve expected quality standards and maintain originality. To mention only the most significant steps, front and rear bonnets have been rebuilt to original conditions and shape, as well related under frames. The lower section of the central part rebuilt as it was in origin, painted in original colour using original compounds. The electrical wiring harness replaced with a new one. The interior has been totally rebuilt, new leather and carpets, liner as it was in origin. Total engine and transmission overhaul performed, suspension and brakes update.‘ Following the project’s completion in May 2008, ‚3739‘ was displayed at Lamborghini’s request in the factory’s Centro Eccellenza for the appreciation of visitors and enthusiasts. There can be no greater accolade. Offered with its original handbook and Swiss Carte Grise, this superb Miura does enormous credit to the Lamborghini marque as a whole and its condition, quality and performance must be seen and experienced to be adequately appreciated.»

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