Alfa Romeo TZ – 750045
Zwei Richtungen
Und schon beginnen die Probleme. Zum Alfa Romeo TZ mit der Chassisnummer 750045, der im vergangenen Jahr von www.girardo.com verkauft wurde, existieren zwei Lebensgeschichten. Und auch zwei sehr unterschiedliche Motoren-Nummern.
Das braucht eine kurze Erklärung. Es gibt drei Bücher, die sich mit den TZ/TZ2 von Alfa Romeo beschäftigen. Da ist einerseits der «Fusi» (alfaromeo, tutte le vetture dal 1910; verschiedene Ausgaben); der ist aber mehr so allgemein gehalten, aber halt wichtig, weil die Daten über einen langen Zeitraum aktuell gehalten wurden. Dann gibt es Marcello Minerbi, Alfa Romeo SZ-TZ, zuletzt erschienen 1992, das Standard-Werk. Und seit kurzem ist auch noch auch noch das Buch von Vito Witting da Prato, Alfa Romeo TZ-TZ2, auf dem Markt; Witting da Prato ist ein Sammler und intimer Kenner der Fahrzeuge. Prinzipiell gilt der Minerbi als Quelle, auch wenn es um noch so manche Chassisnummer Diskussionen gibt. Als weitere Quelle darf www.zagato-cars.com gelten, wobei man sich dort fast ausschliesslich auf Minerbi verlässt.

Also, es geht so:
Chassis-Nummer: 750045.
Motoren-Nummer: 00026*/AR0511 00063**
Produktionsdatum: 23.05.1964*/15.05.1964**
Originalfarbe Aussen/Innen: Rot*/?
Ausgeliefert an*: Alfa Romeo Deutschland, Frankfurt
erster Besitzer*: Von Wegner
weitere Besitzer*:
von Wegner; Ibing; Schulze, Colombo; Cupellini; Luciano Donzelli (Mailand, 1984); Ulrich Rossari (Aachen, Deutschland, 1996); (2008, Schweiz)

Oder dann die Girardo-Story: erster Besitzer**: Hans Heinrich Stahlberg
weitere Besitzer*:
– Matthias Wasel (November 1964)
– Wolfgang Heimeshoff (Essen, Deutschland)
– Heinrich Kampfer (Schweiz, Kennzeichen TI 66849)
– (Schweiz,seit 1992)
– 2017: stand zum Verkauf bei www.girado.com, Price on request. Mit folgender Beschreibung: «In collaboration with Autodelta, a company led by ex-Ferrari engineer Carlo Chiti, Alfa Romeo developed the Tubolare Zagato, often referred to as the TZ1, to differentiate it from the later TZ2. The TZ1 was a result of length research, backed up by track and road tests carried out by Alfa Romeo and Zagato. The result was a sports racing car with a tubular spaceframe chassis, light all-aluminium coupe of only 660 kgs, the aluminium body itself only 92, and the tubular chassis only 62 kgs! The specification of the car is very impressive, with independent suspension and disc brakes all round, inboard at the rear, aerodynamic Zagato Kamm tail bodywork and Alfa Romeo’s venerable twin cam engine. Thanks to the light weight approach taken by Alfa Romeo and Zagato, the car was capable of 140 mph, helping it sweep their class at Le Mans, Sebring, the Nurburgring, the Targa Florio, and the Coupes des Alpes. Only a mere 101 examples were built making it an extremely rare proposition. This TZ1: Completed on 15th May 1964, this TZ1 was supplied new to the Frankfurt Alfa Romeo dealer, who quickly sold it to its first owner, Mr Hans Heinrich Stahlberg, an enthusiastic racer in Hamburg, Germany. Stahlberg entered his new TZ1 into the Internationales DMV Avus-Rennen races at the end of June where he finished 7th, then the DARM Nurburgring on 1st August, where he finished 16th. In November 1964 Matthias Wasel bought this Alfa Romeo, again an enthusiastic racer who used this car at five competition events throughout the 1965 season, finishing 3rd at the DARM GT Norisring in July. This TZ1 is accompanied by a substantial history file, including its original German Kraftfahrzeugbrief which documents two further owners before arriving with Wolfgang Heimeshoff in Essen. The car then passed through several additional German owners before being restored in 1980. Post restoration this TZ was purchased by Heinrich Kampfer in Switzerland who competed with the car at seven events throughout 1989, including Monza, Nurburgring, Zolder and Circuit de Montlhery. In 1992 the current Swiss owner added this car to his collection of over 40 cars, registering it with Swiss license ‘TI 66849’. This collection is maintained regardless of cost with two in-house mechanics looking after the cars. This Alfa Romeo has continuously been owned by enthusiastic racers, and the current owner is no different. He has regularly competed with the car over his 25 years of ownership. The car is presented today with a substantial history file, including original German registration documentation, and images from its competition history. This Alfa Romeo TZ1 is searching for its next owner, hoping to return to the track again, and now highly eligible, it is ready to compete at the 2018 Le Mans Classic, Tour Auto or Monterey Historics meetings!»

* Angaben gemäss Marcello Minerbi
** Angaben gemäss www.girardo.com (von da stammen auch die Photos)

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