Jeep Cherokee with a 1UZ-FE
After slowly building this 1996 Cherokee XJ over several years the owner decided to swap out the tired factory 4.0 L inline-six for something with more power. After researching several options he decided to settle on a first generation 4.0 L Toyota 1UZ-FE V8. One big benefit of using this engine besides the increase in power is the Toyota A340E automatic transmission is very similar to the factory Jeep AW4 automatic transmission. The Jeep transmission was able to be used with the 1UZ after the using a input shaft, planet ring gear, front pump, and bellhousing from a A340E transmission. Other modifications required were switching to a SC400 rear sump oil pan to clear the steering linkage, custom exhaust headers, custom motor mounts, and pushing the firewall back about 1/2″. The firewall only needed modification because the owner didn’t want to move the transmission forward and have to purchase a new driveshaft.
Source: Pirate4x4 (build thread) and American Locomotive via OppositeLock