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Van Life | Travis Burke

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Traveling to remote locations, hiking for hours, hanging from a 500 foot bridge, living in a van for months on end and staying up all night to get a shot are all a regular part of Travis Burke's life. He is an outdoor and adventure photographer who's worked with the biggest names in action sports. He recently embarked on a year long road trip exploring North America in his 1994 Dodge Ram Van. He acquired the van from family and then customized it to be his ultimate adventuremobile. In this, the latest episode in our 'En Route' series, Travis walks us through the van that he calls home. Travis didn't know that when he picked up a camera for a trip to Yosemite six years ago, that it would become his job and main passion in life. He is a staff photographer for and has worked with ESPN, Skullcandy, GoPro and more. For more info on Travis, check out his ambassador page.

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