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XS Carnight 2016 | Presented by AccuAir

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The Germans are back and with them they brought the best cars that Southern California has to offer. XS Carnight 2.0 invaded Shoreline Park in Long Beach with their second annual event in the states. The cars and owners relaxed on the grass and enjoyed the amazing California sunset. It is events like these that bring the entirety of car culture together for an afternoon to sit back and enjoy all the hard work that everyone puts into their rides. Now is your chance to do the same and check out everything from e-Level equipped vehicles airing out on the grass, JDM GT-R's and of course a few RWB Porsches. Subscribe and stay dialed for what’s to come next week. Camera: Mike Koziel Editor: Taylor Chase Music: Blank Body - Pawn Fairy Blank Body - GET 2 U Web Site: Like us on Facebook: Follow Us On Instagram - @accuair http://www.instagram/accuair Follow us on Twitter - @accuair

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