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Jensen Office Car (1969)

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No title. New Jensen incorporates travelling office, on display at Harrods. C/U typewriter being operated inside new Jensen Interceptor car. M/S showing interior of car and typist working typewriter. M/S the car. M/S as young businessman getting into driving seat of car. M/S the Jensen as businessman shuts door. C/U interior of the car showing businessman having a shave. C/U businessman's other hand reaching for Dictaphone, he speaks into it. M/S the secretary putting in Dictaphone earpiece into her ear, she switches on tape and starts to type. M/S ditto, pan to her taking paper from typewriter. M/S ditto, as she passes paper to director. C/U case on floor, pan up to show empty car with all its gadgets including a television set. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: Join us on Facebook at: Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:2217.1

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