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Jet powered flying motorcycle - MegaForce (1982)

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"MegaForce" (1982) Prepare yourself for the worst front-projection effect in motion picture history! Honestly, you don't know what embarrassing is until you've watched this scene. Ace Hunter (portrayed by Barry Boswick) is the flamboyant leader and founder of MegaForce. Time and again, the free world has had no choice but to rely on Ace's amazing strategies, extraordinary physical fitness, and extreme charisma to save them from the forces of evil. Even while leading his forces to victory, Ace can never resist the urge to pose and posture in his ridiculously skintight gold jumpsuit and blue headband. Hunter's other talents include the ability to ride his flying motorcycle, the Delta MK-4 Megafighter, into combat. Complete with fold-out wings and a mini-jet engine in the rear, and using said motorcycle's missile launchers indiscriminantly on anyone he believes to be his foe. More info here: "Mega Force" song by 707

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