Die Maserati-Geschichte(n)
Zu wenig Liebe Maserati ist eine der ganz grossen Marken. Und unter diesen ganz grossen Marken eine der ältesten. Und wahrscheinlich auch jener Hersteller, der von seinen Besitzern – ausser natürlich...
Zu wenig Liebe Maserati ist eine der ganz grossen Marken. Und unter diesen ganz grossen Marken eine der ältesten. Und wahrscheinlich auch jener Hersteller, der von seinen Besitzern – ausser natürlich...
A little more than a decade ago, a certain Olds 442 was spotted for sale in Hemmings Motor News . Turns out, it was the long-lost ’70 442 “Goodyear Grabber” that none other than James Garner campaign...
Photos graciously provided by rally photographer, Eugenio Robleda of One way Books. Supplemented by the author. For decades, Pedro Vargas has dreamed of bringing a true Mexican road rally to the Baja...
Photos by the author. Hemmings recently tagged along as crew during the fledgling 2017 Rally Historico Transpeninsular (full story forthcoming). As the rally wound its way down Mex-1 in the Baja peni...
Image via Old Car Brochures. So the next time you feel like illustrating your point that even big-shot bigwig executives get things wrong by trotting out that story you heard about the Nova bombing i...
To be honest, I got no idea where this photo was taken. But the palm trees and the signage en Espanol and the preponderance of American cars makes me believe it can only be somewhere in Mexico. Googl...
In 2010 the finnish Leningrad Cowboys returned to Mexico to win the legendary La Carrera Panamericana 2010 rally - with two classic racecars! What happened? Well, the Studebaker with driver Harri Rov...