Through the years, hundreds of coffee table books have honored the sporting marques of twentieth-century Great Britain. Until now, not one of those has brought together the roster of talent we find b...
Der Vater der Schlange Es dürfte das schlechteste Geschäft seines Lebens gewesen sein, das John Tojero im Herbst 1953 abschloss. Er hatte Anfang 1953 für den Hobby-Rennfahrer Cliff Davis ein kleinen ...
1964 AC Cobra (top); 1965 Griffith Series 200 (bottom). Images by the author. Editor’s note: This or That is not a comparison report between two vehicles, but rather a feature that enables us, in an ...
1960 AC Ace. Photo courtesy of Richard Lentinello. Philadelphia’s Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum is planning an all-AC exhibit, and organizers are putting out the call for owners who are willin...