Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Agriculture. Disappointed that a recent Environmental Protection Agency ruling effectively barred ethanol-blended fuels beyond E15, several groups of ethanol advocat...
Photo via National Renewable Energy Lab. Ten years ago, the passage of the Renewable Fuel Standard paved the way for nationwide use of ethanol-blended fuels, largely in the form of E10 and more recen...
Photo by BrotherMagneto. Despite worries that the Environmental Protection Agency would put an end to ethanol-free gasoline sales with its Renewable Fuels Standard ruling for 2017, the agency permitt...
Photo courtesy Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The Environmental Protection Agency last week opened public commenting on its recently introduced rule permitting fuel blends above 15 percen...
Photo by Todd Ehlers. Preliminary figures released by the Environmental Protection Agency earlier this week call for adding 300 million more gallons of ethanol to the nation’s fuel supply next year, ...
Photo by Michael Cote. A bill introduced in Congress this week promises to roll back current ethanol blending requirements and may even curtail the spread of E15 through the nation’s fuel supply shou...