Removing 40 Years of Grime From the K-Swap Ferrari With Turtle Wax
It's likely safe to assume that if you frequent StanceWorks, you're at least loosely caught up with 2021's K-Swap Ferrari project. With a focus on time attack racing, we've put an emphasis on shedding pounds, and one major avenue for that is the building of a custom interior using lightweight, minimalistic products. That, of course, means the classic Modena-leather interior that the Italians bestowed upon the Ferrari 40 years ago needs to come out, and while our particular Ferrari has been well-kept in every regard, it's still closing in on half a century old. It sports some wear and tear worthy of its age: grease, grime, and dust have made their way into the hides and fibers of the Italian Stallion's guts. Our friends at Turtle Wax, though, are here to help us restore the interior so we can pass it on to another Ferrari owner - one that hopes to bring a lesser-cared-for example back to life.

While the seats, for the most part, are in great overall shape, they're not without some blemishes, such as a particularly nasty grease stain on the driver's right leg bolster. The same goes for the car's leather-trimmed center console: small blemishes here and there have it looking worse for wear, at least at first sight. The real tragedy of the interior is the state of the carpeting: 41 years of drivers climbing in and out of the old girl have left the floor mats tarnished and muddied, but we're confident the parts and pieces can make an incredible return to life.

For the leather bits, we're using Turtle Wax's Hybrid Solutions Streak Free Mist Interior Detailer: a simple but effective cleaner that made quick work of the dust and the grease embedded in the leather itself. A few minutes of scrubbing had the interior looking just about as good as the day Enzo himself allowed the car to roll off the production line.

Turtle Wax's Power Out Carpet & Mats Heavy Duty Cleaner has proven itself to us many times before, having pulled some incredible stains from the carpet of our Land Cruiser builds in the past. I had no fears that Power Out would have the 308's floor mats looking brand new, if not even better. The embroidery in the mats returned to a deep, cavernous black, while the tan of the fibers brightened several shades. Deep stains at the corners were pulled without a hitch, and in no time, the carpets looked new.

As I've mentioned many times on the YouTube series, I use Turtle Wax's Bug & Tar Remover for far more than just bugs and tar: in this case, I decided to clean up a slew of engine parts that didn't find a new home along with the engine itself. These bits and pieces had 40 years of grease and grime caked in every nook and cranny, but the Bug and Tar Remover did an incredible job at loosening everything up for removal with a rag. In all, we deep cleaned these parts in an effort to get top dollar for them, and I'm excited to say that between the engine and the interior pieces, we've amassed a nearly $17,000 return in parts sales so far, with a LOT left to go. Now it's time to get the rest of our parts pile sold off so we can bring this lengthy build to a close. Be sure to check the episode for the full cleaning process and all the details!