The Daily Grind – Race Service’s “Rise & Shine” with Aaron Beck and Riley Stair
The daily grind can be monotonous at times: a sentiment I'm confident we all share on occasion. Even for those that love their jobs, which includes myself, a break away can be refreshing. Our friends at Race Service have embraced that fact, and have transformed Wednesday mornings in Los Angeles into the ideal way to give pause to the week's toils and labor. With coffee on hand, enthusiasts are invited to come out and join in on shop talk and admiring well-built pieces of machinery. This week's theme was '70s muscle cars, with Aaron Beck's Plymouth Barracuda invited as a staple piece. When asked if he knew of any other '70s American cars worth bringing, he knew just to invite.

Riley and I met at the shop well before dawn to load his Trans Am up onto the trailer. It's always nice to have an excuse and a reason to take the TA somewhere, and when offered the opportunity share space with Beck's absolutely incredible creation, we couldn't turn it down. For better or worse, we played hooky at the shop, and took off for Los Angeles.

The Race Service compound is an incredible space. With room for a small handful of cars, it's the ideal place to showcase cars worth celebrating. It's a fully-equipped shop, but moreso, it's a creative space, where the team at RS creates content and works as a marketing agency for a number of major brands in the automotive industry. As such, the space itself is as aesthetically pleasing as they come. It's hard to find a better place to murder productivity on a Wednesday morning.

It was great to catch up with friends both old and new, and it was even better to get some up-close-and-personal time with Beck's one-of-a-kind creation. Juxtaposed with Riley's clean, white Pontiac, the flat black Cuda is the perfect counterpart and companion. Needless to say, I'm beyond eager to put the Cuda in front of my lens for a shoot of its own.

It was a great mid-week break that even Chloe, the German Shepherd, enjoyed to the fullest. While LA isn't close by most measures, it was a worthwhile trek to the far side. We're eager for future events and future coffee - and for any enthusiasts looking for shop talk with likeminded enthusiasts, we hope to catch you at Race Service on a future Wednesday Morning.