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Audi A3 Turbo

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When it comes to piecing together a build thread there are some people who love it (us!), and some who don’t really care too much about it. A few camera-phone images, some vague descriptions, and maybe, just maybe they’ll maintain enough enthusiasm to keep updating it until their project is finished. But hey, that’s their choice, it does take a lot of effort to put together the threads we love. Then there are people like Alex; people who enjoy putting down the tools to take that perfect shot, people who want to show you the intricate details, people who take the time to turn their thread into a story. Basically, there are people who get it, which is why I’ve created a new post tag for these types of threads. I’ve gone back and added the tag to a few older posts, and I’ll keep doing so as I remember more of them.

Alex bought this A3 with the intentions of keeping it as a standard daily driver, but we all know how that goes! Read on…

CLICK HERE for the full build thread.


Original: Build Threads

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