An industrial building is surveyed by Hunter, an expeditioner-alike old man, who follows the behavior of a lonely child. When the child is discovered yells a wild mechanical scream and runs away into...
The third episode features Michelin star chef Andreas Tuffentsammer and his good ol' 1986 VW Passat. He was only 25 when he got the star in 2011 - every chef's dream. But he gave up the classic resta...
Directed, Shot & Edited by Vania Heymann
Written, Starring & Original Soundtrack by Daniel Koren
Producer: Natan Schottenfels
1st AD: Rebecca Israel 1st AC & 2nd Camera: Eyal Cohen Grip: Martin Flore...
This is a spec project made to illustrate the impact of unique and emotional stories told by ordinary people. We explore the life of a collector, artist and retired teacher and his history with a 40-... Director: Evan Dennis Producer: Evan Dennis
DOP: Zak Mulligan
Editor: Nathan Caswell
Narration: Lori Leven
Colorist: Tom Poole @ Company 3
Music: Grails "Canyon H...
A metaphorical short film about bikes, movement, freedom and love. Every day mind tries to get the better of heart. Space and time have always existed and we can’t stop them. Throught the movement we...
Dustin Volo is one of the most celebrated and accomplished photographers within the low riding culture. His childhood love for photography has led him to take pictures of some of the most creative bu...