Honda N600 – VFR800 swap!
This build came to my attention via it’s eBay auction, of all places. A friend linked it to me and within the description was a build thread link. Now who of us here would be stupid enough to NOT click that link? What I found was an obscure little 70′s Honda whose body shape I was not familiar with. Reading a little further into it, I was delighted to see fabricated parts, various body modifications, a motorbike engine conversion and a narrowed Mazda Miata/MX5 rear end to top it off (there’s also a funky transmission setup that goes way over my head, so I’ll let you read about it yourself). It’s been a while since I’ve featured something bike powered, and this just might be the best one yet.
Click here for more engine conversion builds.
CLICK HERE for the full build thread.