Acknowledging Art – The Work of Sam Hurly, Immortalized in Print
For any photographer, there's no better medium in which to see one's work than in print. From magazine articles and print ads, to posters, prints, and more, there's something inherently special about seeing work in ink. From pixels to paper, it's the final form of photography, where images become actualized and permanent; they can be enjoyed in the real. The purest form of print, of course, is the oldest: the book. Having one's work recognized by a publisher and assembled as part of true bound piece of work is perhaps the best of all. For Sam Hurly, though, he took things above and beyond... From start to finish, he took it upon himself to bring his work to life in the form of 2019 Film in Review: Film Imagery by Sam Hurly.

It's something I think most photographers have dreamt of: assembling a coffee table book of their own work, both to preserve and to celebrate the work that goes into the imagery itself. It's something I've longed to do, myself, for years and years on end. The hurdles involved seem almost insurmountable, between the costs, the logistics, and of course, the sheer amount of labor; however, Sam pulled it off, and the outcome is nothing short of spectacular.

In 2019 Film in Review: Film Imagery by Sam Hurly, StanceWorks friend Sam showcases a year's worth of work captured solely in film. From cars and their builders, to events, outings, lazy days, and more, it's a book that encapsulates everything that makes Sam tick, and then some. As a fellow BMW fanatic, the roundel-laden content is heavy, but there's no shortage of makes, models, and non-automotive content worth taking in and enjoying: seemingly countless beautiful moments and captures are preserved between the front and back hard covers.

While the catalogue of film work alone is impressive by any measure, the book continues with a second half, showcasing Sam's digital work, too. As the name of the book depicts, it's all work captured within a single year, too, making the couple-hundred page book even more impressive. From the writing and the photography, to the layout, design work, and the details in between, Sam went to incredible lengths to make this book a reality. Needless to say, it's nothing short of an inspiration in every way.

So here's to Sam: both his hard work and the work itself, I know many of us are thrilled to see you celebrate your work in such a special way. For those looking to support an artist, be sure to follow Sam's work and keep an eye out... with any luck, there'll be a 2020 version too.