Drag Motorcycle with a 600 HP Twin-turbo Rotary
Steve Whitham not only designed and built this rotary powered drag motorcycle but also races it. Steve was originally going to use a natuarlly aspirated 13B rotary engine but Brent Curran from Curran Brothers Racing convinced him he should go turbo. Curran started with a blueprinted and bridgeported Series 5 13B motor and added a forged crank, modified intake manifold, Bosch 1700 cc injectors, and Masterpower T70 turbocharger. Later the team decided to switch from a single to a twin-turbo system (most of the pictures show the single turbo setup). The engine runs on methanol and produces 600 horsepower and 500 lb-ft of torque to the rear wheel. Power runs through a two-speed Powerglide transmission built by Chuck Man. The bike weighs 365 kg (804 lb) and completed the quarter-mile in 8.444 sec at 165 mph.
Source: Bike’s Facebook group and Curran Brothers Facebook album